Sunday, August 16, 2015


No, my lovelies, I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth, though I'm sure it appears that way!!! It's been a solid month since I last posted. *apologetic grimace* What's been going on with me, you ask? Well... several things. For one, my father had fallen ill and was in the ICU for several days (he's on the road to recovery now,  thank goodness). I also started a new job at the company I work for, so of course that means my focus had to be redirected toward that for awhile. But now that everything's settled, I'm back in the saddle again and am working diligently to finish Fight for Me, Book Two of the Captivated Series, and I'm also working on some book reviews I promised I'd do for other authors. So never fear! Fight for Me will be coming soon.

As a tiny little token, here's a song that fits the book perfectly.

Love to all xoxo